Monday, November 29, 2010

Atheist Billboard Causing Quite A Commotion!

So, the American Atheists decided to flex their right of free-speech and invest in a holiday billboard. They put up a billboard on New Jersey highway Route 495, which reads, "You KNOW it's a myth." It also has the common Nativity scene of the three Wise Men approaching the manger. Don't worry, I'll link you all (like 2 people) to an article and news video about it, but thought I should set up the scenario for you anyways. At first glance, I suppose this could be seen as offensive?

Many people think it is an attempt to convert Christians, or other religious people, to Atheism. That is simply untrue, as a spokesman for the the American Atheists states that it is directed at other Atheists in an attempt to get them to stop going through the motions of Christmas. Rightfully so, because telling a devote Christian that they KNOW Christmas is a myth isn't going to convert them by any means. Such a statement probably wouldn't convert anyone, because it isn't a statement telling anyone to DO anything. But I'm not here to tell you what to think, if you haven't heard about this "controversial" issue, then see it for yourself!

New Atheist Billboard Calls Christmas a Myth

I have heard arguments that this is so offensive because of children reading it. First of all, to most normal children, Christmas is about Santa Claus, cookies, Christmas lights, playing in the snow and of course presents. I do not think that they would even bat an eye at this billboard, let alone comprehend it. If they did, I'm sure their parents would be able to dissuade them quite easily anyways. Using children as a weapon for argument is always stupid, because children are innocent beings and 75% or more of them probably won't even see/comprehend this billboard anyways.

I have done some research and found some images of some Christian billboards that are CLEARLY anti-Atheism, and clearly offensive. Here is the first one:
First, the big letters, "" That in itself is offensive, so I really need to go no further. I find it funny that organizations that preach against science would turn around and try to use it against Atheists, in a very ignorant fashion. We don't believe that nothing created everything, we believe the Big Bang created everything, which is in fact something, not nothing.

Here is the second billboard I stumbled upon, which is slightly more offensive than the last, but MUCH more ignorant than the last:
Right at the top: "Attention: LUNATIC Atheists & their Lawyers." Really? C'mon now. Then the rest, holy crap, the rest of this billboard is just ABSOLUTELY stupid. Essentially, it is saying that Atheism is going to lead to Civil War. Which I find humorous, because organized religion is the source of MANY wars, so I feel like if Atheism WOULD cause a Civil War, which it WOULDN'T, the war would probably be started by "righteous" religious people in an attempt to "cleanse" the earth. The stupidity of this billboard makes me wonder, it really does.

In comparison to these two billboards, the one in question today is nothing, in my opinion. I have looked around at some other Atheist billboards that also are not offensive and are just like the one in question, they reach out to other Atheists, inviting them to accept what they believe or do not believe, and let them know they are not alone. Also, a lot of Atheist billboards strive to keep separation of church and state, which is rightful, because church and state are SUPPOSED to be separated in this country.

If I had more time I would display some of these other Atheist billboards, but I got friends to attend to and food to eat. I'll leave the rest of the research of other Atheist billboards up to you folks, because it is easier that way. Mostly so people can't accuse me of leaving out the "bad" billboards and only putting in the good ones. This way you can find the good and bad ones yourself.

This blog is in no way meant to CONDEMN anyone, but just to relay the opinion of one Atheist who thinks that this billboard is being blown way out of proportion.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Religious Dependency Issues, Anyone?

Well, I thought I'd be blogging a lot more with this blog, but I really haven't had much time or honestly, many ideas. I finally found something that grabbed my attention and made me shake my head. In order for this entry to make any sense, you must first follow the link I will provide. It is to a "fan page" on Facebook. At the time of writing this, I had a link to the page on here, but the link has since expired or somehow changed. Damn internet magic. Anyways, the fan page was something along the lines of "I live for Jesus Christ because he is the light, the truth, yada yada yada." Something about living your life for Jesus, an unseen being who lives in the sky, mind you.

I see a sort of dependency issue with this "fan page." So many people "live" for Christ, or God, or whatever religious following they may choose. My question is, what about yourself? What about your friends, your family? Even your personal belongings! Things that you can see, feel and know are real. Should you not live for the things that are actually tangible and that you are able to lose? Why pledge your undying loyalty to something or someone that will "always be there?" I never seemed to understand it too well. It seems very counter-productive in a society where it is hard to put food on the table, and we have devote Christians and Catholics giving a shit load of their money to the church in the name of Jesus, because I guess this is how you live for Christ, by feeding the greedy hands of the churches.

This one isn't nearly as good as my first entry, I know. I've been not quite myself lately, so this stuff you call thinking and rationalizing is becoming quite a chore for me lately. I want to try and write some more stuff. So if you read this and would like my opinion on an issue or topic, please suggest it via the comments or even on Facebook! I appreciate the read, for anyone who actually reads this!

I apologize if you find this image is offensive, but it's kind of the truth.

And I found a topic of discussion for my next entry, but it's a secret! Don't refrain from asking me questions or making suggestions though! They are welcome!

Monday, June 28, 2010

"It's not about religion, it's about a relationship"

So I was talking to this kid today who I am not really friends with, more like acquaintances that met through more acquaintances. He invited me to go to the Summit, which is this religious activity center, to play volleyball or something. I was only ever to this place once in my life for some shitty-ass show, but the headlining band was pretty good I suppose. Anyways, I didn't really fit in or feel comfortable then, so now when it's solely a religious event, I would not feel comfortable at all. So I told him that I don't think I really fit in there at all. He tried to play it off like I wouldn't fit in because I am straight edge, which is not the case whatsoever. So I told him that it isn't because of my edge and then he admitted that he knew that's not what I was referencing.

So we got to talking about, you guessed it, some religious BS. As you could guess, it didn't really go anywhere, as both of us are very zealous about our own personal beliefs. Then as I was rambling about religion and it's greed, corruption and war-mongering, the title quote came into play. Now, I have been hearing this more and more lately. I had never really heard this before at all until just recently, "It's not about religion, it's about a relationship." When he said this, I really got to thinking, as I have before when I hear this expression. Well, I kind of came up with my own quote or expression to counter this one. While it may not be as quick and simple as this one, it gets the job done: "If you had a relationship with an invisible man named Bill, you'd be considered crazy, but since you have a relationship with an invisible man named God, you're safe."

Now, since I came up with it, my opinion on it doesn't matter, but I'd say it makes a hell of a lot of sense. Those people who have "imaginary friends" and the like are all considered to have mental issues. Yet, we are surrounded by millions, even BILLIONS of people who have an imaginary with God. "But wait," you say, "people who have 'imaginary' friends 'talk' to them and 'interact' with them. That's why they are nuts!" Well, I have one word to say to you: praying. 'Talking' to and 'interacting' with an invisible being. Seems to be the same thing to me. I just don't understand it at all. Could someone please explain to me what the difference is? Please don't say, "You can just feel God's presence and hear his voice when he talks to you and wants or needs to hear you." I'm pretty sure that's what people say about their imaginary friends, or voices in their head or whatever they hear and interact with.

Now, I'm not trying to really say that religious people are insane, because that would be mean and sound intolerable. I actually want to hear what the separating line between insanity and religion is. Or what people think it is if you are atheist, agnostic, or nothing!